We’ve all heard of Black Friday, Cyber Monday but have you heard of Giving Tuesday?
Check out these ways you can give through the Salvation Army Central Territory Sponsorship Office programs. You can make a huge difference in the lives of children around the world! Give this Tuesday, December 2! For more information on giving and sponsoring write to: missions@usc.salvationarmy.org
Become a Sponsor of a Salvation Army Children’s home, school or project overseas! Or Sponsor in someone else’s name as a gift to them! click the image below for an application.
Gift a Gift – A Central Territory Love In Action gift gives you the opportunity to give a specific item (goats, chickens, mobility products, elderly care, school uniforms and many more) in the name of a loved one! Click the image below for a form.
Share Your Christmas Joy! – Give to this special Christmas project in the name of a friend or family member! Click the image below to give.
You've Heard of Black Friday and Cyber Monday – But What About Giving Tuesday?