
Therefore welcome one another as Christ welcomed you, for the glory of God. Romans 15:7

Hospitality is more that just welcoming people into your home. It’s about welcoming people into your life. Jesus, our teacher, had no home. But he was always welcoming – sharing. Sharing his water, food, love, embracing those who were shunned by others. Hospitality is an invitation. Not to a beautifully decorated brunch – but an invitation to know someone better. An invitation that says you’re worth my time, I want to know you. An invitation that says you are welcome here. Whether that’s an invitation into your home or inviting someone to sit with you at church. It’s letting someone know you are welcome here.
This welcome and invitation called hospitality is how friendships develop and build. All it takes is one brave soul putting themselves out there with a purposeful welcome and invitation. Check out this resource from called Friendship On Purpose. Get a few tips and reminders on how to be a good friend and welcome someone in.
To experience friendship and hospitality in your own life, check out new initiative and movement called Embrace.
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