The Prepare Podcast Episode Two
Join us for episode two of our podcast, The Prepare Podcast where women of faith and in ministry share their experiences and wisdom to prepare and equip us in our faith, pursuits, and callings.
Joining us today is Dr. Karen Hurula. Karen is a psychologist and mental health provider. She is specialty trained in the integration of faith and spirituality in therapy.
One of my favorite parts of today’s episode is when Karen says that grace is what we have to offer people. This inspired the Embrace theme for November to be grace.
If your personal life experience includes a mental health diagnoses, you love someone with one and/or want to better love those individuals, particularly in the church setting, you should tune in.
Here are a few resources Karen talks about in today’s episodes:
Amy Simpson
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
Inside Out
Don’t forget to check out her Facebook Page and contact her for speaking and teaching engagements. Let me know if I left anything out! Enjoy!
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