Episode 72
Major Melissa Viquez and Captain Jessica Martinez
Happy New Year from the Prepare Podcast! Today’s episode features two of our special guest speakers for the Arise & Shine A New Day Conference, Captain Jessica Martinez and Major Melissa Viquez. Along with Captain Leta Marin, these lovely women of God will be bringing the Word of God to us en español at the conference!
The majority of this episode will be in Spanish! However, I encourage you to listen, even if Spanish is not your first language! I know you will still be blessed because you will hear their love for the Lord and their passion for ministry to women!
I hope you enjoy this episode!!

Captain Leta Marin couldn’t be with us for this podcast but we are praying for her as she prepares for the conference!
You can get to know her in English HERE!
We have also released this podcast as a video!
Check it out!
Its not too late to register for the Arise & Shine A New Day Conference!
Registration is open through January 21, 2022!