IMG_6082One of the first adult moves we make is the decision to leave home and head to college.  It’s exciting, it’s scary, it’s unknown, it’s also normal. The experience is yours; so it will feel unique, but many, many others go through it. This decision and life change is one of our first independent movements toward discovering who we are and who we’ll be come.
If I could do it over again, the leaving home and starting college experience, right away, I’d find a Christian community to walk with through this post-high-school-in-college-not-yet-grown-up-away-from-my-parents time in life. Being in a Christian community wasn’t a part of my college experience so it took  me years to catch my footing, my vision and figure out who I am and more importantly, who I am in Christ.
lightstock_73274_max_user_7263428Our small group community initiative called Embrace was designed to help create a space for women to intentionally experience life together outside of the church walls. When you’re in college you couldn’t be further from the ‘church walls’ you grew up in (if you grew up in the church). This is why we want to introduce to you Embrace: Campus. A space to solidify Christian friendships, to love and encourage each other, to ask hard questions, to study the Bible, and to learn how to lead – during your college experience and beyond. Having a small group like Embrace:campus would have matured and grown me in rich and meaningful ways and we want that for the young women we know.
Campus ministry is nothing new, we’re just joining the party. Embrace is specific to women, women desiring closer friendships, sisterhood and accountability.
Stay tuned for the launch and forward this to the college girls you know!
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