IMG_3660It was a sweet day for the Territorial Women’s Ministries Department as we witnessed now, Auxiliary Captain Linda Faye Jones, answer the call she’s always felt in her heart to be an officer of the Salvation Army. On May 14, 2014, the Territorial Headquarters Wednesday Chapel Service was dedicated to Linda, serving as her official Confirmation of Appointment ceremony. Lt. Colonel Jeffrey Smith welcomed all those attended and lead the opening song. Lt. Colonel Ralph Bukiewicz then read scripture  from 1 Samuel 3: 1-21 and followed in prayer.  Commissioner Paul Seiler then invited Linda forward to Confirm her appointment and calling. Lt. Colonel Rebecca Sjogren shared a devotion thought with Lt. Laura Lunnam following with leading the congregation in a songbook song. Captain John Pook concluded the time together with a benediction.
Aux. Captain Jones was supported with the presence of her mother, sister, two daughters, nieces, nephew and grandson as well as her two sons tuning in via Skype and Facetime. Linda’s mentor, Commissioner Polly Shoults and her husband Commissioner Harold Shoults also attended to show love and support.  Her corps officer Captain Johanna Pook and daughter Captain Camie McPherson served as her flag-bearers.
For nearly 29 years Linda has worked as the Administrative Assistant in the Women’s Ministries Department at the Central Territory Headquarters. Soon she’ll be the corps officer in Wilmar, Minnesota.
Thank you Linda for your hard work and dedication and for your obedience to God’s calling in your life! Click below to see more photos from Linda’s Confirmation of Appointment ceremony.



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