Debbie BoderWritten by: Debbie Boder from the Salina, Kansas Corps in the Kansas Western Missouri Division
“Hi! My name is Debbie Boder. In February 2014, I joined the evening Women’s Ministry Group. I also got to attend Women’s Camp in Kansas City, MO. While at Women’s Camp, I went up front and prayed with Major Mary Burris, my corps officer.
During Women’s Ministries group we watched H2O: A Journey of Faith. Each of the movies were very informative, educational and very enlightening. One of the movies was happy and sad – it was about two little girls. One had a good dad and mom, and the other little girl’s mom left her in a market place and she finally went to an orphanage. But God never leaves us alone. 
I was saved as a teenager, I am a Christian, but these series of videos helped me have a better understanding about being a Christian. It also helped me share my faith with others. We all should be thirsty for God and tell others about him. I have also started my own daily Bible Study, I try to read my Bible daily.”
Written by: Terrisa Ford from the Salina, Kansas Corps in the Kansas Western Missouri Division
“I really enjoyed the moments that were spent with the group [Women’s Ministries]: our worshiping, meals and lessons together. In the H2O series, I enjoyed the video about when they were at the beach and the wedding ring that was lost and how they never gave up and kept looking for the ring. Searching through the sand and trash it is kind of like dealing with the different types of people and letting you see for yourself no matter how bad it may be don’t give up keep pressing with God’s grace and his word. Terissa Ford
Another video that impressed me was about the prostitute and where she seen of one her “Johns” at the church she was hiding out in. She was hiding from her Pimp because he kept beating her. But the Lord used the woman that told her it was going to be ok and let her know she was going to be safe. To me, it was the Lord using this lady from the church to let her know there are Christ followers that are real for the Lord and that there are ones who live two different lives and put on a front and their two lives that contradict each other. We all need to be real for the Lord, you can’t straddle the fence. Let’s be real and serve the Lord according to His word.”



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