One of the strongest ways we will grow Women’s Ministries is by investing in teenage women.

Even though we once were teenage women, and should be able to relate directly, knowing their anxieties and fears – adult women are struggling to understand and know how to relate, love and counsel the teenage women in their lives.
In this video, Youth Pastor Neely McQueen, identifies five lies teenage women believe and often live by. Start considering how you can help the teenage women in your life overcome these lies without using any methods of shaming, discouraging and belittling. While highlighting what is truly important and why. And not sending messages like this: “I don’t care about what happens at camp – just don’t wear that swimsuit.” 
Five Lies:

  1. My body defines me
  2. The opposite sex defines me 
  3. Relationships are not a safe place for me
  4. I am more safe online than guys
  5. There is no place for me at church

For more great videos, go HERE.

