Social media has become the go-to launching pad for movements, campaigns, activism and bandwagons. Its fast, accessible, current and easy. Even and often short lived – social media has a way of igniting passions for good and for bad. The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has exploded due to the contagious rhythm that social media creates. It has swept up just about everybody – from church pastors to Hollywood and more. Swept up in either loving it, hating it or at least appreciating it.  If you haven’t personally participated – your brother, sister, cousin or spouse has.
With every movement, campaign and activism there is always opposition or criticism. Even the sensitive nature of ALS and the upbeat effort did not keep this campaign (focused on bringing awareness and fundraising to a fatal disease) safe from disapproval. Now, the necessity of accountability shouldn’t be disregarded. But the actual motivation behind correction and criticism (for this awareness campaign and for anything in general) needs to be examined in our own hearts.
ice-bucket-challenge-tw-user-cover Many people have voiced their disagreement with the method of this campaign either with deliberate status updates or tweets or with a cheeky passive aggressive (or just plain aggressive!)  meme.  The question after these displays is: what’s your motivation and hopeful outcome? Is it to truly change the minds around you and influence  them to what you think is good and right – or is there a bit of arrogance in your message? Does validating your desire to be right, intelligent, well-rounded, and recognizing it publicly for all to know, trumps people’s feelings and humanness? Are you confusing your self-righteous/ let-me-inform-you-poor-fools message to with a sanctified admonishing? Please, examine yourself before you examine others.
This is where I would like to introduce the Twenty Minute Challenge. Before you hit ‘post’ ask yourself the following questions and wait at least twenty minutes:
Is it…
Edifying to the body of Christ?
Is this post self-serving?
Is it an invitation to engage or a soapbox moment? If so is this the right time/place?
What am I trying to communicate with this message?
If you are personally satisfied with your answers to these questions and feel others will truly benefit in some form, then go for it. If you find yourself second guessing your potential post and feel like you might be taking a risk – measure if the risk is worth it. Will anyone gain from this ultimately?
Relationships, to be lasting, have to be handled with love, care and honesty. Just because you aren’t face-to-face doesn’t mean there’s not a face on the other end.
Here’s another post with questions to ask yourself before posting.
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