The disciples of Christ were essentially the first Christian small group. A small group that created more disciples, more small groups and Christian communities and the Christian Church as we know it. They not only lived together and ate together but worked out their faith in Christ together.
Do you have that kind of community? Do you desire that friendship and community when you read about the early church in the New Testament?
We are passionate about small group community in the church and want to help make that possible for you*. That is why we are giving away a FREE Leaders Pack to the Chase Bible Study by Jennie Allen.
Enter below to be entered into this giveaway, the more entry items you complete and the more you share with friends, the more chances you have of winning! Enter now! Just takes 2 minutes! Forward this to a friend you know is in need of this!

*This giveaway is designed to grow community and encourage bible Study for women of the Salvation Army, specifically in the Central Territory.

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