
A LOT of powerful things stood out in this article about living dangerously for Jesus, from SHELOVESMagazine.
The inspiration for the article comes a sermon by Walter Brueggemann based on the book of Isaiah, the mission of the church and the life of faith in our society.
Here are a few statements from the sermon that stood out to me:
“This book is filled with things that haven’t been tried yet”
“We need enormously dangerous people in the world. Not more indifferent people.”

After I read the article, listened to the sermon, here is the message I heard from all of it:

The ground is fertile, people, sisters, brothers. If we’d only we’d be brave enough to plant the seed, if only we’d water the ground, if only we’d take the time to tend and care for the growth. Image the harvest – if only!

And the phrase that the author, Idelette McVicker said that inspired me was, “I See The World Through A Lens Of Sisterhood…”
I have adopted that habit as I think of the Kingdom of God, ministry, church life – often asking myself: What does this mean for me and my sisters?
What lens do you see through?


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