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embracing embrace aubrey

 Check out our question and answer session with Lt. Aubrey DeBaar, corps officer in  Branson, MO, about her first experience leading an Embrace group. 

We hope sharing her experience will encourage you as you consider moving forward with leading or joining an Embrace group.

Did you have any expectations about Embrace before your first gathering?
I wasn’t really sure what to expect. I didn’t know if our women would give Sunday School, short answers, or if they’d feel the courage to be real.
What (if anything) surprised you about the questions?There weren’t tons of them (questions). They were brief, but encouraged vulnerability and open hearts.How did your women respond?
After a few minutes catching up on daily life as we ate, our women slowly took their guards down one by one. Some wounds were shared that I’m sure not many ears had heard previously. There were tears, prayers, encouragement – and yes, laughter. This was such a bonding time for our ladies. They really appreciated not having to fit a certain mold (fourfold is wonderful, just hasn’t fit as well in this corps) and just do as the Spirit leads. In what way do you hope Embrace builds community in your corps?
I was so encouraged the next day at worship when one of our women shared (with tears in her eyes) during testimony time how much our group sharing had meant to her. As I eluded to before, Women’s Ministries in it’s traditional format hasn’t fit the best (at this time) at our corps. It was such an answer to prayer to see how effective even one Embrace brunch had been (We met at Panera.)Additional comments: I should also mention, this is not a younger group. My women are retired for the most part. I think Embrace is really versatile and welcoming to women of every background.
We’re praying for this growth together to continue!

If you’re interested in leading an Embrace group learn more and sign up HERE.



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