day 7
Everyday Opportunities by Major Joyce Gauthier
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6

Every day presents itself with opportunities to be anxious because of our circumstances.  What we do with that is up to us.

It had been one of those mornings when everything seemed to go wrong and now I was late getting to the corps.  I still had to go to Walmart to pick up some things I needed, so with my four year old son  in tow, we headed out.  I felt stressed because of time restraints and was rather impatient.  This was in the days before ATM cards were accepted at McDonald’s, so I took out an extra $10 cash so I could stop by McDonald’s and get lunch on the way to the corps. As I knew I wouldn’t have time to fix him something to eat after we got there.
After I put the things I bought in the van I realized that somewhere between the Walmart cash register and our van, I lost the $10.  That was it!  I started crying.  My son, who could have pitched a fit because now he couldn’t get McDonald’s, said “It’s okay mommy, maybe someone else needed it worse than we did. At least we can find something for me to eat at the corps.” 
That made me cry all the harder.  Not because I was mad, but because my child had helped me see that even in the worst situation, there was something for which we could be thankful.
Thanksgiving is a choice.  We can choose to be upset about things we cannot change, or we can find something in it for which we can be thankful.
I choose to be thankful and pray that you will too.
What are you hoping God will teach you today?
Think of three things that you are thankful for.
#overflowdevos Day 6
#overflowdevos Day 5
#overflowdevos Day 4
#overflowdevos Day 3
#overflowdevos Day 2
#overflowdevos Day 1



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