VPEverything is a Gift From God by Viki Payton
“The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.” Psalm 24:1
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father…” James 1:17
A few years ago my friend and I decided to keep a “Gratitude Journal” throughout the summer. One of us complained about our own negativity, so to keep each other accountable and seek growth in our attitudes, we promised to list five things every day for which we were thankful. At first it was easy. Plenty of things to be thankful for, right? But after a couple weeks my enthusiasm slowed down. I was quickly ready to list repeats with two weeks down and ten to go.
This was a perfect season for me to learn the concept that “All is gift”. Let’s let that truth sink in… to acknowledge that everything is a gift from God. Psalm 24:1 tells us, “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.” And James tells us in 1:17 that, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father…
So beyond being grateful for friends, family members, a job and a roof over my head; I am also grateful for Diet Coke, pumpkin pop-tarts, European chocolate and Chipotle. I’m grateful for modern medicine, electricity, a running car. I’m thankful for beaches, sunsets, and I’m sure I’d be thankful for sunrises if I ever saw them.
There’s no doubt our lives are abundantly filled with gifts from our Father. Which is why, during this season of Thanksgiving, I’m challenged by 1 Peter 4:10, “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” This verse is in the context of spiritual gifts but it is an example of a long held principle God has given us. In His covenant with Abraham in Genesis 12, God tells him he will be blessed (in order) to be a blessing to all nations.
If “All is gift”, what does that add to your gratitude list?
If you are “blessed to be a blessing”, how can you be a blessing to others as a thank offering to God?
#Overflowdevos Day 9
#overflowdevos Day 8
#overflowdevos Day 7
#overflowdevos Day 6
#overflowdevos Day 5
#overflowdevos Day 4
#overflowdevos Day 3
#overflowdevos Day 2
#overflowdevos Day 1



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