VMGive Thanks Today by Major Valerie McDowell
“You, Lord, are all I have, and You give me all I need.  My future is in Your hands.”  Psalm 16:5 GNV
Living a life of gratitude changes your whole perspective.  Often we even take for granted the very air we breathe.  It’s when we lose something or someone that we realize their value.   Losing our keys, phone, electricity, drinkable water, reliable transportation, job, home, health, or loved one always makes us stop to consider “Where do we go from here?”, “What now?”.
The less we have, the more we can find we have to be grateful for.  Does that seem a bit ridiculous?  Can it possibly be that we can become more grateful when we have less?  Absolutely!  Often times we surround ourselves with so much “stuff” that we lose focus on what’s really important in life.
Take a look around and think about what you have today and give thanks today.  Show appreciation for what God has so generously provided todayDon’t wait for their loss to realize their value.  When we value something or someone, we take care to protect them.  Who or what needs your attention todayThank God by recognizing their value and by taking the time and making the effort to care for them.  After all, “a life of thanks giving is a life of thanks living.”

Around me in the world I see no joy that turns my heart from Thee; its honors fade and fall;
But with Thee, though I mount the cross, I count it gain to suffer loss, for Thou art all in all.
Christ is all, yes all in all.  My Christ is all in all.
~ Herbert Howard Booth

Make a list of the people who need you love and affirmation. 
Call, text, write a note to them and let them know. 



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