Whatever is by Captain Catherine Mount
“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”
Philippians 4:8
I recently had an opportunity to discuss the concept of  ‘temptation’ with my 7 year old son. He was explaining to me that sometimes he finds it really hard not to say bad words when he is at school. He looked at me sternly, and said, “Mommy, I don’t know why it is so hard, but sometimes I just want to say the “F” word.”
My mind was going crazy! What!?! How does he even know  that word!?! But instead of reacting like a crazy lady, I gently responded, “oh. . . which “F” word is that?” And he whispered in my ear . . . “fart”.  (HUGE sigh of relief!)
The conversation became a sweet exchange between my sweet boy and me about the battle of our minds and how we can resist temptation. We talked about how we choose what to think about, how we choose what to listen to, what to watch, and what to read. We agreed that putting ‘good stuff’ in our minds, will help ‘good stuff’ come out of our mouths; and when our mind is full of ‘good stuff’ that there won’t be any room for the ‘bad stuff’ to tempt us.
Friends, there is a battle going on in our minds every day. Do you want to fight against cynicism, self-loathing, worry, or any matter of mentally disabling thoughts? Then listen and APPLY the words of today’s scripture.
Take time RIGHT NOW to think of something that is . . . True.
Take time RIGHT NOW to think of something that is . . . Noble.
Take time RIGHT NOW to think of something that is . . . Right.
Take time RIGHT NOW to think of something that is . . . Pure.
Take time RIGHT NOW to think of something that is . . . Lovely.
Take time RIGHT NOW to think of something that is . . . Admirable.
Take time RIGHT NOW to think of something that is . . . excellent or praiseworthy.
There. You just did it. You set your minds on things above. Maybe your challenge today is to choose ONE of those categories, and anytime the battlefield of your mind begins to slip into Satan’s lies . . . into the temptation to speak or think of things that are not holy . . . then, dear ones, think of such things that are. . . .true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent or praiseworthy.
Praise the Lord and be thankful that you can set your mind on HIM.



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