mtsGrateful For a Personal God by Lt. Jaclyn Holloway
Psalm 121:1-2, “I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” (NIV)
The winter of 2006 was trying for me as I was 17 and facing an international move.  As an officer’s kid I had faced moves before, but never to a new country in the middle of the school year.  So I was off to Chile with very little Spanish under my belt and an emotional heart that felt all alone. I struggled with why God would send me to this foreign place.  I found consolation in a couple of things: Mountains and Psalm 121.
My high school was located in the perfect spot to see the Andes Mountains during lunch.  I fell in love with the beautiful view and thanked God that I had something to look forward to everyday.  But then the Lord plopped Psalm 121 in my lap.  Looking at the mountains reminded me that I had a God who created something so mighty (the Andes are the second highest mountains in the world and are a majestic sight).  The mountains also remind me that God is always watching over me.
Psalm 121:8 says, “The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore” (NIV). I am so grateful for a God who is mighty enough to create the whole world and personal enough to care for me in my loneliness or pain or joy.  My time in Chile taught me to love mountains but it also taught me a much more important lesson.  God is with me wherever I go.  So now every time I see the mighty mountains of the world, I see God’s wonderful hand over me.   
In what ways has God watched over you?
What does His love motivate you to do?
#overflowdevos Day 5
#overflowdevos Day 4
#overflowdevos Day 3
#overflowdevos Day 2
#overflowdevos Day 1


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