Being Redeemed Through Thankfulness by Makayla Broer
“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32
When I say the word comparison, you might be wondering what that has to do with thankfulness.  For me, comparison has a lot to do with thankfulness.  If I am honest – I feel like we as women, are  good at playing the comparison game.  We get wrapped up in constantly sizing up ourselves and each other. Comparison makes us jealous, bitter, unsettled, insecure, and ungrateful.  I found that it was so easy for me to complain about clothes and things I did not have, skills I did not possess, and even of relationships I longed for – making me anything but thankful.
This past year though, the Lord has taken me on a journey and has been redeeming me from this comparison trap which so often led me to a deeper insecurity.  One of the main ways I believe He is teaching me to leave the comparison game behind is through the act of being thankful.  When I am thankful for the blessings, things, and relationships the Lord has given me, I have no time to compare those things to someone or something else.  And when I am not comparing myself to those around me, I am less insecure.  Instead of walking around feeling sorry about myself, (as much as I hate to admit my behavior, it’s true), I now walk tall and breathe out thanksgiving to the Lord.  Because we have so much to be thankful for! Anytime we are wrapped up in things that are not of the Lord, like comparison, we are going to miss out on experiences with God.
The truth is that He has created each one of us in such a unique way – with different talents, appearances, and personalities.  Step out and ask the Lord to free you from the chains of comparison, because He will!  And let’s thank Him for that! Let’s thank Him for the many blessings He has poured out onto us.  Let’s say no to comparison and yes to thankfulness! Thankfulness frees us from comparison and allows us to live a fuller life with Christ.
What are of your life do you compare to others the most?
What area of life do you feel confident in?



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