
May was over in a blink of the eye, am I right?! June is here, and summer is literally around the corner. Personally, I couldn’t be more ready!

Here’s our week in review:

3C52573A-814B-4B3F-B683-744021213D43June 1, episode 9 of The Prepare Podcast with Auxiliary Captain Ketsia Diaz.  Subscribe on itunes so you never miss out – click HERE!
Some Embrace groups are taking the summer off, but some Embrace groups are just getting started! So they’ll be enjoying the theme, Embrace: Your confidence. Be in pray for the summer Embrace IMG_2856groups. If you’ve never heard of Embrace (small groups for women) click here to learn more!
This week we also joined a scripture writing plan brought to you by Commissioner Dawn Heatwole. It’s called The Written Word. Click HERE to learn how to join in, how it works, and to join the Facebook Group to share along with the other participants.
IMG_2853Follow our Facebook page too, then you’ll never miss news and happenings in the Central Territory! Click below.



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