The Prepare Podcast might be one of Central Women’s best kept secrets. Every month we invite a woman in ministry to join us and share from their perspective and experiences in ministry and leadership to help equip and prepare our listeners in their own faith pursuits and callings. Former guests have been Major Danielle Strickland, Dr. Karen Hurula, Aux/Captain Ketsia Diaz and Sara Johnson – to name a few! Join us on the first of every month to listen in – below, learn how to File_000subscribe on iTunes and how to win our Prepare Podcast Review GIVEAWAY!
Follow the steps (and pictures) below to subscribe and review our podcast and be entered to win a Central Women mug, Embrace tote bag, a ornament from OTHERS and Major Amy Reardon’s Devotional Holiness Revealed- all of it to ONE WINNER!  You have until Sunday August 21, winner announced Monday morning August 22 at 9:00am CST! Winner will be selected from the list of reviews on The Prepare Podcast iTunes. 
Follow these steps!

  1. Subscribe to the The Prepare Podcast on iTunes.
  2. Listen to the podcast, and then leave an honest rating and review on iTunes
  3. Submit your iTunes Reviewer Name and Email Address to confirm your entry into the giveaway.
