Devotional by Chris Shay

“The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.” Deuteronomy 33:27.

One of my favorite studies of Scripture is the life of Moses. Having studied the account of the Exodus and the wanderings of Israel in the wilderness several times has allowed God’s Word to be placed deep in my heart, to be brought out at just the right time. Here is an example: A little over four years ago our family was looking forward to the birth of our granddaughter. As the day grew closer for Wendy Joy to be born, our daughter experienced difficulties in her pregnancy. Wendy as delivered by emergency C-section on May 20, 2012, three weeks early, but healthy. But with that birth our daughter’s heart failed in a rare condition called peripardom cardiomyopathy. The days and months that followed are somewhat of a blur: ICU, days in the Cardio ward, consults with doctors, weakness, and a “new normal” for the family that brought fear. As the full impact of this settled on me, the words of Moses blessing to Asher and the tribes of Israel came to mind: “The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.” Dt. 33:27. How meaningful those words of promise became to me during the many months of struggle that followed! Truly the Lord proved Himself faithful again and again, holding my daughter as her strength failed and our faith was tested. As I consider this verse of promise, lessons come to mind. God’s Word truly gives us everything we need for every situation. I don’t mean that we should necessarily quote Scripture to those walking through days of darkness and grief. It takes great sensitivity to know what is appropriate to share with others during those times. But individually, as we live daily in His Word, the Lord embeds His words of promise in our hearts, and the hope we have in Him allows us to stand firm. With that truth in mind, it is good for us to work towards knowing God’s Word through study and memorization. “Blessed is the one….whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and on His law he meditates day and night.” Psalm 1:1-2. This requires discipline, yet the rewards are immeasurable. May you delight in the Word of the Lord today and every day, allowing Him to prepare your heart for all of life’s circumstances.
When you have walked through difficult times, has God’s Word come to mind and equipped you for the journey?
What do you need to do to bring more of His Word deep into your heart?


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