We are unlikely recipients of God’s mercy. We are broken, sinful, wayward, rebellious people. We are not worthy to stand in the presence of Jesus. Our sinful self-focus testifies to the fact that we have no place at the table of God. As Jesus journeys to the cross, he has every reason to pass us by.
Still, Jesus does not do that. Just as he came to the Magi, the centurion and the Canaanite mother, so Jesus comes to us and makes us his unlikely friends. Because Jesus journeyed to the cross, we have become recipients of God’s mercy.
Have you ever watched a toddler eat? At first, all the food is on her plate: meat, broccoli, potatoes, bread. But as she eats, crumbs collect beneath her chair. These crumbs are not tiny morsels, either. When a toddler eats, a whole meal can wind up on the floor!
God covers us with his mercy in the same way a toddler covers the floor with crumbs! Even a crumb of God’s mercy is more than enough. Such a crumb is a banquet of grace! Crumbs from your Savior are more than enough to forgive your sins, to restore your brokenness, to give you new life. A crumb from God’s table is more than enough to sustain you day by day in this life and to carry you on into life with him forever.


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