During the holiday season, more than three million people rely on The Salvation Army to provide them with a warm meal on Christmas Day or toys for their children. Donating to the Red Kettles also allows the Army to serve nearly 25 million people a year by providing more than 10 million nights of shelter and 56 million meals, along with substance abuse rehabilitation programs, after-school programs, and emergency shelter for children and families in need.

To donate to the 127th Red Kettle Campaign, Americans can also drop dollars and coins into the thousands of Red Kettles found in front of retail stores and on street corners, give any amount by texting KETTLES to 51555, or visit redkettlereason.org.

Love has an Army. This season, we are asking people to join the “Fight for Good” by donating to the Red Kettle Campaign and sharing on social using the hashtag #FightForGood.

Join us!



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