So many great ideas are coming our way!

Most of us are now “Sheltering-in-Place”. Is anyone looking for other things to keep busy? Maybe you’ve decided to clean out that closet you’ve been meaning to tackle for months, or finally getting all of the laundry done and put away. Maybe now you’re looking for something new to inspire you or bring you joy!

Here’s an idea that you can do personally and also that your Women’s Ministries groups can do together from home. Marie Kondo your life!

→ Declutter your social calendar. This won’t be hard to do as most in-person things have been canceled. But what else can go? What can you add that will bring you joy?

→ Declutter your digital life. Reorganize your desktop or your phone apps. Are there things you can delete? Can you organize apps into folders? Go through your downloads and delete large attachments to open up space on your devices. Clean out your email inbox. Move photos and videos to an external hard drive to free up space.

→ Declutter your relationships. Who in my life do I need to work at being closer to and with whom do I need to create healthy boundaries?

→ Declutter your health. Take inventory of all healthy foods and not-so-healthy foods in your refrigerator and pantry. Even making one healthy change to your lifestyle will make a difference. Are there other unhealthy habits that need to change?

→ Declutter your habits. Which habits spark joy? Which habits need attention? Which habits need to go be replaced with new habits?

→ Declutter your spiritual life. What sin am I holding on to? How can I continue to produce fruit during this time apart? How can “let go and let God”? What do I need to trust the Lord with today? Take the 30-day Devotional Challenge.

Create a practical way to check in with each other. This could be an email or social media message. Include a description or a photo of “What I Did Today” and a short devotional or scripture verse. Or use the 30-day Devotional guide (link below).

Is someone crafty in your group? Ask that person to collect all of the photos or work together with a group to create a scrap book of sorts that your Women’s Ministries group can look through once this quarantine is over and we can meet together again! Be sure to take some selfie-photos, too!

It’s always good to declutter and get into the Word of God!


Links to these Youtube videos here:




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