“Tsunami of Prayer”

General Brian Peddle – A call to unite in prayer on Sunday, April 19, 2020


Yesterday, President Trump referred to our world as being “at war” with the coronavirus pandemic. For us, our front-line attack means going to our knees. We believe in the power of prayer. We pray to God in whom we put our trust (Psalm 91:2). He is sovereign, sufficient, absolute, righteous, just, and above all, good. He works in ways that are beyond our understanding because of His love for us.

The most incredible thing is we can unite as prayer warriors, all over the world, right from our own homes. We don’t have to go to church. We are the church!

General Brian Peddle has issued a call for a “Tsunami of Prayer” this Sunday.

“GENERAL Brian Peddle has called the international Salvation Army to pray on Sunday 19 April 2020 for the effects that the coronavirus pandemic is having around the world. Setting aside the day for intentional focused prayer, The Salvation Army’s international leader shares a clear message in his video introduction to what he calls ‘a praying Army’, saying: ‘I believe that things happen when people pray.’” – The Salvation Army International Website (Read the full article HERE.)

In his video below, General Peddle asks us to unite in a Salvationist World-wide Initiative…

“Starting with the south Pacific nation of Samoa, Salvationists and friends are called to rise with the light, setting off a ‘tsunami of prayer’ that will sweep across Australasia, through Asia, over Africa and Europe and then on to North and South America, only coming to a halt as it reaches Hawaii, back in the Pacific Ocean.”

General Peddle also wants to hear from you! He would like you to share a short comment on his Facebook page telling what or how you prayed and share prayer requests.

Join us in this powerful prayer initiative. Set your alarms for dawn on Sunday. To find out what time sunrise is for your time zone, click HERE.

You certainly do NOT have to be a “Salvationist” to participate. Join us as a member of the Body of Christ!

More links to the General Peddle’s video, Facebook page, and other information can be found in the full article on The Salvation Army’s International Website HERE.


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