We are headed into yet another “stay home, save lives” weekend. Lately, the days seem to run together and have become monotonous. While we try to stay positive amidst the glaring negativity around us, it’s hard to find things to be thankful for.

If we turned off the TV and put down our phones or devices for a minute, we may be able to refocus on the positive things happening around us.

God is good. He is wants to bless us. He loves us. We really do have so much to be thankful for.

Gratitude is expressing thankfulness to God for the good things in your life. We know that joy comes from the Holy Spirit and that we can have joy even in the middle of hurt or sadness. But sometimes we need to remind ourselves how to access that joy.

Gratitude helps us find our joy. It is the “balm” we need when depression hits or we feel the rub of a stressful day. Gratitude can transform you or even pull you out of the pit of despair and renew your sense of purpose and joy. It’s also good to keep track of what you’re thankful for.

Here is an idea you can do personally as well as opening it up to share with your Women’s Ministries groups – keep a daily “Gratitude Journal”. This can be done in several ways from purchasing a new, fancy journal or grabbing some scrap paper to jot on. The point is, writing will help to solidify what you are thankful for. It also acts as a reminder for you to look back on and remember the positive, God-moments in your life.

We suggest dividing your paper into 2 parts:

  1. Things I Am Thankful For (morning)
  2. “God-Moments” I’ve Had Today (evening)

In the morning

Make a list at least three things you are thankful for. This can be anything from waking up alive to finally receiving that stimulus check from the government. If you’re really in the pit and can’t even think of one thing, make a list of what you want to pray about instead.

In the evening

Reflect on your day and write any “God-moments” – those times when you really sensed God or heard His voice in some way. This could be anything from hearing a song to seeing the sunshine.

Add a verse of Scripture to your daily writing. You can use the same Scripture for each day of the week to help you memorize God’s promises. If you need help finding these click REMINDERS OF GOD’S GOODNESS for a list.

Don’t be afraid to share your journal entries with the members in your groups! Its good to be vulnerable with each other, keeping one another accountable, and pray for each other.

God Bless You!



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