Time to Celebrate! From a distance, of course! We all want to feel celebrated and want to share that celebration with others. It can be difficult for some whose birthday comes and goes without notice. We want everyone in our groups to feel remembered and cherished, especially during this time of isolation.

Here’s an idea how to celebrate everyone’s birthdays all at the same time. Have a birthday party for everyone in your group! There are many ways you can do this to make it work for your group. Some of these ideas may take intentional preparation but your ladies are worth the effort!

Celebrate Each Month’s Theme – for example, Christmas birthdays for December; Valentine’s birthdays for February; etc. Create a birthday card for each person based on their birthday month using photos of each person. Then create a “Celebrating Birthdays” picture collage post for your social media. You could also email these cards to each person, use “snail-mail”, or drop them off!

Social Distance Birthday Celebration! Similar to our “Social Distance Mother’s Day”, this would be planned by other people in the house for the Birthday Girl! Plan a birthday party to celebrate at home! Dress up fancy, decorate, share a meal with your family (including cake and ice cream), do the birthday girl’s favorite things, and take some fun fancy photos! See Volume 27 for more details!

Virtual Birthday Party – set up a virtual meeting using your preferred meeting platform (Google Meets; Zoom; Lifesize; Teams; etc.). Have everyone join the meeting dressed up for their birthday. Decorate your meeting space with party decor. Plan a fun game or scavenger hunt. Have each person share their favorite birthday memory or a goal for this next year. Pray a blessing over each person. And of course, sing “Happy Birthday”! Try including everyone – even those who do not use computers – by having them join you and other members via speaker phone.

Drive-by Celebration! This will take some coordination with your group members. Set up a day/time for each person and let them know you are celebrating everyone’s birthday at the same time. Get some balloons, streamers, party poppers, and other decorations. Deck out your car and drive by each member’s house honking and yelling, “Happy Birthday!” This is also fun to do with other group members or program leaders in a caravan! It’s perfect during the spring or summer months.

Cupcake Drop-off – Purchase pre-made cupcakes and individual “to go” containers from any grocery store. Safely place each cupcake in their own “to go” container. Put a bow on top of each box to make it look festive! Drop them off at each member’s house and sing “Happy Birthday” from a safe distance! You could also do birthday donuts or personalize it based on each member’s favorite treat!

Create a Birthday Slide Show – Using photos of your group members, create a slide show with music celebrating each person’s birthday. Post it to your social media and share it again when you resume meeting together.


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