Summer Series Chapter One

Meet Emily! Emily is the Administrative Program Assistant in the Women’s Ministries Department at Metro DHQ. She is a soldier at the Norridge Citadel Corps where she leads an Embrace Group of friends that are moms at her son’s school.  She also facilitates a women’s Sunday school class at Norridge.

Here is Emily’s testimony:

“I fell in love with women’s ministries 18 years ago when I had my first son and I was the nursery coordinator at Norridge. I watched as beautiful, frazzled moms would drop off their babies in the nursery and hurry off to go on about their Sunday busyness. I loved them. I wanted to encourage them, make a space for them to feel seen, known, loved, and uplifted. I wanted that for myself too! Another mom and I started a Sunday school class for women where we do “check-ins”, pray for each other and make sure every woman is heard and acknowledged. Over the years I started an Embrace group with my “mom” friends from school and that group has become a major support and source of blessing in my life. Their friendship is so precious to me!
As the Women’s Ministries Program Assistant at Metro I get to visit women’s groups all over the division and help plan the annual divisional women’s camp. Spending time with other Salvation Army women always lifts my spirits and gives me strength. I feel like I’m part of something important, something holy. When I went to Jamaica this spring on a mission trip I got to spend time with the women’s ministries group at the Bluefields Corps and it was amazing! We share a sacred sisterhood. We love the same Lord. We worship in the same Army. We can have fun together face hard challenges together.  Women’s Ministries gives us a way to connect with other women who share the same goal of living a life worthy of the Gospel of Christ.”


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