Sign Ups
Reserve your spots for ConnectUp Prayer and the Hannah Service

Throughout the ABIDE conference, you will have an opportunity to experience ConnectUp Prayer (by appointment only).
ConnectUp is an individual guided prayer session led by certified, trained prayer ministers. During these prayer sessions you will meet with one or two of these ministers and be guided through a spoken prayer module.
ConnectUp team members intend to offer emotional, spiritual, and physical healing prayer with you! Sign up for a 30 minute slot to have time dedicated to praying with just you!
Listen to a ConnectUp testimonial here: Prepare Podcast Captain Kelly Hanton
Read more here: CONNECTUP
Sign up for a 30 minute prayer session here: ConnectUP@ABIDE

October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. We want to acknowledge and offer support for those who have experienced this “uniquely common” loss through a meaningful remembrance ceremony called “The Hannah Service.”
The Hannah Service gives space and opportunity through readings, singing, sharing, and commemorating activities to honor the losses and grieve the experiences from infertility, pregnancy loss, infant loss, and medical diagnoses that prevent pregnancy.
This service will be offered as an afterglow on Saturday following the United Session at the ABIDE 2024 Conference. Space is limited so reserve your spot.
Sign up here: HANNAH SERVICE