#everydayoffering started as a ten day photo challenge on Instagram and Facebook. We will continue with the ten day theme with ten days IMG_5880of #everydayofferingdevos. Sign up to receive an email every morning to start your day, from June 29 – July 3 and again from July 6 – July 10 (if you have subscribed to our blog you are automatically signed up to receive it – if you’re not sure if you are, click HERE to sign up).
#Everydayoffering Devotions
So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Romans 12:1-2 (MSG)
While repeating this verse while driving to work one day, I had a light-bulb moment: this ordinary, mundane occurrence had the potential to be an everyday offering to my Creator. If I tune my heart towards Him even in these basic moments they can be an offering to Him.  What is my everyday offering? What is everyone else’s everyday offering? That’s where #everydayoffering was birthed and, shortly after, introduced to our Instagram and Facebook followers. A ten-day challenge seemed manageable, and many of our followers agreed and shared again and again! 426 photos later, we were all challenged to offer each part of our lives to our God.
At day ten I wasn’t ready for #everydayoffering to end. I wanted to hear the stories behind the pictures. I wanted the testimonies and experiences of other #everydayoffering participants to speak truth into my life. Why stop a good thing, right? That’s why we’ve combined our stories and created a devotional series called #EverydayOffering Devotions.
These devotions will take you through 10 days of truth telling, daily routines, surrendered moments, lessons learned, tears cried, growing pains, and victories.
We hope this series impacts you in a way that helps you pause throughout the day, readjust the lens and bring the focus back to our Creator and Savior.
God Bless,
Central Territory Women’s Ministries Department
Click HERE and enter your email to subscribe to the #everydayofferingdevos!


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