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Daily Journal Practice to Help You Reflect, Process, Progress

 Something happened the other day, something I didn’t want to forget. A memorable (or ...

Flourishing In 2016: Three Changes We Want To Make This Year

 The New Year often comes with resolutions, goals and hopes to start anew, get ...

The 2015 Christmas Gift Guide

This list isn’t for what to buy for someone else (well, that’s not true, ...

FAQ For You About Embrace

  Have you heard about our small group movement called: Embrace? Or maybe you’ve ...

Advent Resources To Help You Slow Down

1 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen ...

Whatever Is…

Whatever is by Captain Catherine Mount “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever ...

#OverflowDevos Day 20 by Lt. Amanda Keene

“And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had. ...

#OverflowDevos Day 19 by Colonel Dorothy Smith

Overflowing with Thanksgiving by Colonel Dorothy Smith I committed my life to the Christ when ...