Melinda tripp
Feautured Pinner: Lieutenant Melinda Tripp! Melinda is a Corp Officer along side her husband in Wausau, WI. As mentioned and as you can she in the photo, Melinda is a wife and mother of three. We asked Melinda about her Pinterest activity and experiences with trying out some pins and how she feels about Women’s Ministries, check it out! Oh and check out her Pinterest page too —-> here!
Have you ever actually tried to do one of your Pinterest pins? Yes, I have tried many. Some successes, some failures. Just last night, I had a success for our corps Super Bowl party. It was a pizza dip for french bread…mmm!
What do you mainly use Pinterest for? I use it for ideas mainly. Ideas to organize my house, my office, my life in general; ideas for new recipes; ideas for character building programs; ideas for Jr. Church; ideas for inexpensive family time; etc…Lots of ideas.
Have you had a Pinterest fail? Yes…many! One more recently would be the one where you shrink chip wrappers and make them into key chains…don’t try this in a convection oven, lol!
What do you love about Women’s Ministries? The women, of course! I love getting to know my ladies and getting to have real role in their lives. I not only get to teach them, but I get to learn from them as well.
Is there anything you don’t love about Women’s Ministries? The lack of passion for it’s (Women’s Ministries) importance (by some). It is a vital ministry and we all need it, even if we don’t think we do. Who else understands us better than other women, mothers, wives…?
Congrats and happy pinning! To be considered for the February “Feautured Pinner” follow us on Pinterest (click here) and pin, pin, pin!


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