brunch collageOn a beautiful Saturday morning, women of all ages gathered to celebrate the Journey of Jesus Christ.  We focused on the encounter between Jesus and Mary in John 12, when she anointed Jesus with a costly perfume. Special Guest, Major Barbara Shiels (R ), shared a message of hope and a challenge to the women who gathered for the event. As our time of fellowship and teaching finished, Major Shiels challenged us to consider what it means to be broken and spilled out for our Lord. Mary’s great act of submission and sacrifice was a beautiful gift to our Savior, preparing Him for the rest of His journey.
One of the highlights of the morning was a time of sharing around each of the tables. The following question was posed to the ladies: “What is one of the greatest lessons you have learned on your journey?” The day could have been filled with the stories which were characterized by grace, joy, love, and so much wisdom. To celebrate what Christ has taught each of us on our journey was a priceless moment where women connected.brunch 1
The joy of being in a fellowship of women is the opportunity to learn from one another, to encourage each other, and to extend grace and share laughter. While these elements happen around the table at events, they also occur in the many moments of planning, preparation, and clean up. The Royal Oak Citadel wants to offer a huge thank you to those who helped make this event a success . . . whether that is in preparing food, creating centerpieces, cleaning dishes, and simply donating their time and their service. brunch 2 brunch 3



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