This past weekend at the 2014 Central Territory Commissioning Weekend Celebrations the Women’s Ministries Department from Territorial Headquarters sponsored a DIY POP UP! at the Young Adult and Teen Afterglow. There we made flower crowns, so many I nearly had blisters! There are lots of ways to make flower crowns, but our step-by-step tutorial below was what worked best for us. Check it out! Processed with VSCOcam with m5 preset photo 4photo 3 photo 2
one step oneone continued
2 step two3 step 3
4 step four
5 step 56 step six6. step six cont
7 step 78 step 89 step 9
10 step 1010 step 10 cont10 step 10 com11 step 1112 step 12Processed with VSCOcam with t1 preset
