ekeziel 34
 (Click image to read from a higher resolution image)
For you devotional time today read through the scripture above, Ezekiel 34: 25 – 31 and ask yourself the following questions:
What are the dangers/threats or fears in your life right now?
Do you need to be rescued from something (tangible or emotional)?
Where in your life do you hope to see growth (a harvest)? Where in your family, your community, your church?
When you have victories in life, how often does the Lord receive glory first?
What makes you feel a part of a ‘flock’, or community?
Take time to pray for the courage to trust in God to:
Protect you.
Rescue you.
Develop you and your community.
To give Him glory and honor first.
To show you ways to create unity and community in your church body.



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