The Gate -keeper and the Good Shepherd

By Heather Hanton

The Gate-keeper and the Good Shepherd

John 10:1-18

I love this passage and the picture of Jesus as both the Gate-keeper and the Good Shepherd. There are three promises Jesus gives in this passage:

1. Full Salvation. Vs. 9

You will be saved. If you look back in the Old Testament and the tabernacle or temple where the Israelites worshiped, there were many different parts: the outer courts; the lampstand; table of showbread; altar of incense; bronze laver; the holy place; the holy of holies where God’s presence dwells; all pictures of Christ. But at the entrance of the temple is what is called the gate.

When the Israelites came to worship at the temple, they would enter through the gate. The only way for the priests to get to the holy of holies (or the presence of God) was to enter through the gate.

Jesus is the only way to experience the presence of God. In John 14:6 Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to Father except through me.

When Jesus died on the cross he became the gateway to the presence of God, fulfilling the old laws of sacrifice and becoming the sacrifice himself.

When we accept Jesus as our savior we have that full salvation and access to the presence of God.

2. Life to the full. Vs. 10

This is the promise of eternal life. When we accept Jesus as our savior, not only do we have new life as believer, forgiveness of sin and to live in victory over sin here on earth, we also have the promise of eternity in heaven with him.

John 3:16: For God so loved the world, he gave his one and only Son, (Jesus) that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Jesus gives us life in all it’s fullness.

3. Protection from the enemy. Vs. 11

Jesus is willing to protect his sheep with his life. He lays down his life for us. Because of his death and resurrection, when we accept Jesus as our Savior, we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit to discern good from evil and protection from the attacks of the enemy.

Salvation through Jesus brings us victory over the enemy. He has already won the battle. He took our place. He stands between us and the wolf – the enemy. Through his sacrifice, we have freedom over the power of sin.

Hallelujah for His saving grace!

Heather Hanton
Media and Ministries Specialist
The Salvation Army Central Territory
Women’s Ministries Department



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