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Day 4 – Worth Saving 
by Major Carla Voeller

You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Romans 5:6 (NIV)
The view from the dock at The Salvation Army’s Army Lake Camp in Wisconsin hasn’t changed in forever. This was the same view in the summer of 1966, when my family moved to Army Lake. My parents were in camp leadership so camp living became a part of our story. We used to joke that we didn’t know what “normal” kids did all summer! These summers were magic to me. I was afraid of nothing, and became a prolific swimmer and diver at a young age.
In the summer of 1966, I was four years old and fearless. The lifeguards would not allow me to swim out to the raft with the older kids, but I knew I could swim very far. One day I must have swam father than usual and the lifeguards missed me. I was clever at that: swimming under the dock so they wouldn’t see me. I remember very little of this incident, but am told that I lost my footing, and started to drown, and when the lifeguard pulled me out I wasn’t breathing. I only remember laying on my back and the water starting to surround my face. Oddly, I remember no trauma associated with this, only peace, knowing that soon the water would be over my head completely.
My mother was walking on the dock in her summer white uniform dress. I don’t know why she was on the dock—she couldn’t swim. Right about then the lifeguard shouted and pointed to a small blonde figure floating lifelessly on top of the water. My mom immediately jumped into the water to save me. The lifeguards knew my mom couldn’t swim, but she pushed her way through that water as far as she could go, unafraid, undeterred, just to save me.
Five summers later I went forward to the altar at this same camp and accepted Christ as my savior. Jesus met me at that altar, and I began a new life that completely changed my future. I learned that day, as I had five years earlier, that I was a life worth saving.
Jesus will rescue you too. He will break down every barrier, move through any obstacle, use whatever circumstance He needs just to get to you. Because yours is a life worth saving too.
Thoughts to Ponder:
Reflect on a time that you felt God swoop in and rescue you.
What does Major Carla’s experience teach you about God?



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