IMG_0205being confident of this very thing, that he who began a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:6
Philippians 1:6 is one of my life verses. I claim it on the daily, as I’m in constant need of second chances.
A few weeks ago I saw a Buzzfeed list that chronicled the unfortunate and regrettable things we often say and do. Here are a few examples submitted by readers:
“Walked up to a baby-holding stranger (thinking it was my sister) at my daughter’s soccer game and said “Give me the baby.”
“A friend placed her order at drive-thru. She then heard “Could you drive up to the speaker you’re talking to the trash can.”
“After flunking a job interview, got up, shook everyone’s hands, and walked into the coat closet.”
This list had me crying from laughing, and caused a sign of relief, with the needed reminder; “me too.” It’s so important to feel connected to others through experiences and familiarity – I’m convinced it’s one of the reasons God gave us each other. To support and walk through this life together, pointing one another towards Jesus. I’m thankful, as Paul says in Philippians that he who began a good work in me will carry it out t completion. God isn’t done with me yet!
As we seek grace from God and each other, we can’t forget to give grace as well.
I keep this in mind as I recently realized that my work method differs from many that are close to me. My method includes getting right to work, head down, push through – earn your break, your fun and your Diet Coke. But I’m realizing – I don’t always make the work enjoyable. Work, work, work – and then fun! While many of those I love dearly approach work differently– enjoying the diet cokes, laughs, catching up and working all at once – making it a whole experience. But why can’t they work like me? My method, makes sense to me!
This is where I’m interrupted by grace. Not me being gracious, but my near-and-dear being gracious towards me. Reminding me that the work gets done and I have to make room for others and their ways.
God isn’t done with me yet, thank God! That is what I’m thankful for this year: second chances, gracious friends and family and a God that is graciously transforming me on a daily basis.



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