I’ve Just Seen Jesus!
By Heather Hanton
A few days ago we celebrated the resurrection of our Lord and Savior! What a blessed day it was! We were privileged to have the International Staff Songsters with us. They have such a beautiful ministry through music. It was inspiring watching them sing about Jesus!
One of the songs they sang was “I’ve Just Seen Jesus.” I’d like to read you the words as part of our devotions this morning:
We knew he was dead, It is finished, he said
We had watched as his life ebbed away
Then we all stood around
Till the guards took him down
Joseph begged for his body that day
It was late afternoon, When we got to the tomb
Wrapped his body and sealed up the grave
So I know how you feel, His death was so real
But please listen and hear what I say
I’ve just seen Jesus, I tell you he’s alive!
I’ve just seen Jesus, Our precious Lord alive!
And I knew, he really saw me too!
As if till now, I’d never lived
All that I’d done before, Won’t matter anymore
I’ve just seen Jesus, And I’ll never be the same again
It was his voice she first heard
Those kind gentle words
Asking what was her reason for tears
And I sobbed in despair, My Lord is not there
He said, child! it is I, I am here!
I’ve just seen Jesus, I tell you he’s alive!
I’ve just seen Jesus, Our precious Lord alive!
And I knew, he really saw me too!
As if till now, I’d never lived
All that I’d done before, Won’t matter anymore
I’ve just seen Jesus, And I’ll never be the same again!
Oh to have been there on that day!!
I can only imagine what it must have been like for the Marys as they went to the tomb that morning. What were they expecting when they got there? They didn’t even know who could roll the stone away from the entrance.
What love these women had for Jesus. They wanted to tend to him, even in his death. They sought after him, even knowing he was gone.
Do I seek after Jesus like that?
I just wonder if Mary Magdalene had any intution that some kind of miracle was coming. Knowing what Jesus had done in her life – redeeming her and restoring her – did she have an inkling that maybe something happened or was going to happen?
We know what happened! It is recorded differently in each of the gospels but we know there was an earthquake, there was an angel, there was a miracle!
Again, going back to Mary Magdalene. Imagine her confusion – something miraculous did happen but where was Jesus? How often do we pray for a miracle and God does it but it’s not what we expected to happen? And we have questions, or maybe even doubts that its really true or are we even worthy of it.
I love John’s account of the resurrection because it is so personal. Jesus appears to Mary and calls her by name – just as He undoubtedly did when he redeemed her from her former life.
Am I still waiting for Jesus to call my name? Am I really listening to hear his voice? Do I truly believe and have faith that He can still do miracles in my life?
I want to live as a daughter of the risen Lord – always as if I’ve just seen Him because I have experienced being in His presence and I have seen the work of His hand in my life. And then telling everyone as Mary did, “I have seen the Lord!”

Heather Hanton
Media and Ministries Specialist
The Salvation Army Central Territory
Women’s Ministries Department