IMG_7354“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” By Captain Catherine Mount
 Philippians 4:4
When my 4 year old is full of joy, there is nothing gentle about him. In fact, when he is full of joy my little (okay, huge) boy will run in a few speedy circles and then climb up my body and squeeze my cheeks ‘til their pink – all in an effort to get my attention and share the joy that he doesn’t quite have the words to express.
Now, when I am filled with joy– a grown, mature (faking ‘adulting’) woman – I usually respond with a grin and a hug . . . AND, here’s the key, an overwhelming sense of thankfulness.
Listen to me friends.
Your thankfulness is absolutely connected to your joy. When your heart is full of joy, thankfulness is a natural reaction to the world and to what is happening in your day. In fact, when you are full of joy . . . when you are full of thankfulness . . . you are embracing a choice to settle into the gentle ways of Jesus.
The greek word for rejoice in this passage of scripture is, chairo, and one of the definitions is “to be well, to thrive.” Choosing to rejoice, choosing to be thankful, is a choice to THRIVE. Isn’t that exciting?!?!
Just imagine if each of us depended on the Holy Spirit to fill us with joy. Just imagine if each of us depended on the Holy Spirit to direct our thoughts to be consistently thankful! Just imagine . . . . . do you know what the result would be?
The result is THRIVING woman who follow and worship the one true King . . . .Jesus Christ.
And, friends, I don’t simply want to imagine what this might look like – I want to rejoice because it is a reality!
THAT is worth being thankful for.
Friends, make a choice to THRIVE today. Rejoice. Be thankful.

  • Do you depend on the Holy Spirit to fill you with joy?


  • Do you depend on the Holy Spirit to direct your thoughts? The very renewing of your mind (Romans 12)?

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