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His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 2 Peter 1:3
His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life. Stop questioning your ability to do what the Lord has called you to do. And in case you are wondering what He has called you to – it is a calling to a ‘godly’ life. Remember that this kind of life is possible because of His divine power – the kind of power that creates the moon and the stars, and lands and seas, and creatures and humanity. The kind of power that surpasses our own knowledge let alone our experience.
Dear one. Trust His divine power to equip you for a godly life.
Through our knowledge of him. Jen Wilkin, a talented bible teacher is famous for saying: “Your heart cannot love, what your mind does not know.”  How well do you know the Lord?  Do you spend time in His word . . . letting the words of the Bible transform your mind through study and revelation? Your knowledge of the Lord will come through spending time in His word!  Is that a priority in your life?
Your heart will love what your mind knows! And your head knowledge should fuel your heart knowledge of the Lord which will reveal His character and His power to you and in you. Wow!
Called us by His own glory and goodness. Dear one.  He doesn’t call us by force or coercion. He does not call us because of our talents or our lineage. He calls us by his glory and goodness. The Creator of the Universe calls us because He is glorious and good! He has a mission for humanity and it is to be reconciled to Him – because He is glorious and good!
Stop questioning your ability to do what God has called you to do! His divine power has provided everything that we need to fulfill His mission (including his power and the knowledge to know Him!)
Get on board with His glory and goodness!
We’ve got everything we need to pursue godliness.
We’ve got everything we need to know Him.
We’ve got everything we need to love Him.
Dear One. You have everything you need through Him.
How have you questioned God lately?
Do you agree with this statement: “Your heart cannot love, what your mind does not know.”  If so, list the things you know about God and the things you don’t.
His glory and goodness is the energy behind our calling, not our glory and goodness. Do you rely on yourself or Him when pursuing God’s call on your life?


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