If you’re reading this you might be already receiving our blogs posts and devotionals series we release a few times aimg_4575 year. Or you saw this post linked on Facebook or somewhere else on social media. If you’re a part of the latter group then we want to invite you to sign up below to receive our bllog posts, particularly because on November 28 we’re starting a new devotional series for Advent called The Journey…Walking the Road to Bethlehem. Many of the Salvation Army corps/churches will also being preaching from this theme so we hope that your Advent season’s theme will be all encompassing throughout the season.
Week 1: Mary of Nazareth Luke 1:26-38
Week 2: Joseph of Bethlehem Matthew 1:18-24
Week 3: Mary’s Visit to Elizabeth Luke 1:39-45
Week 4: From Nazareth to Bethlehem Luke 2:1-7
Christmas Day: The Manger Luke 2:8-20
And if you’re in the former group, forward this post to friends and family that you know would enjoy Advent devotionals emailed to them on Monday – Friday, November 28 – December 23.
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