img_4863Matthew 1:20-25
Joseph had a choice. Like his forefathers, he had to decide whether or not to trust in the Lord. Abraham trusted God would give him children and turn them into a mighty nation. Ruth believed her future was with the Lord in Israel. David believed God would help him defeat a giant. Joseph chose to believe God, and Mary, and he agreed to become the earthly father of the Son of God.
Joseph’s decision meant that people would always whisper behind his back. It meant he would never enjoy a honeymoon time with his bride. It meant he would go from single guy to husband and father almost immediately. But because Joseph had faith, God blessed him and us through his only son, Jesus.
There’s one more thing we should note about chapter one of Matthew. God didn’t just promise that the descendants of Abraham would be a mighty nation. God promised that an offspring from his line would redeem the whole world. He would rise from the lineage of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and David. In fact, the prophet Micah said that he would be born in David’s hometown of Bethlehem. Through Joseph and Mary, God fulfilled that promise.
As we journey to Bethlehem this Christmas, we can come with the same faith. We can trust that Jesus is the Son of God, the Messiah he promised long before Joseph was born. We can trust that Jesus can forgive our sins. We can trust that God has a plan for our lives, just as he did for Joseph. It may not be an easy road, but if we have faith, God will bless us and others through our faith.
Joseph had faith, just as his forefathers had faith, and God used his faith to change the world. God can use us to change the world if we come to Bethlehem with the same faith as Joseph!

Content from Journey to Bethlehem material provide the Central Territory Headquarters


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