This month’s guest is our new Territorial Secretary for Women’s Ministries, Colonel Janice Howard. Colonel Janice arrived over the summer from the Salvation Army’s Eastern Territory and hasn’t stopped moving since. She’s sharp, bright, and constantly smiling – she loves the Lord and is eager to continue to grow in her faith and to see all of us reach our full, God-given potential. Enjoy learning more about her in this month’s episode where we cover where she loves to be *spoiler alert* she loves being outside! Where’s she been and how and why she is always setting goals for herself and why she thinks you should too!
As we shared in the episode, here is the link to the Arise & Shine Women’s Conference
AND if you want to receive a text message on the day registration opens text ariseandshine to the number 51555.
Also, please write to [email protected] if you ever have any questions about the conference.


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