Whom shall I trust?
Are you interested in the answer?

  • The answer for Zechariah was found when he was told to stop talking … for a long, long time.
  • To sit with the questions.
  • To pray.
  • To wait and see what happened and when.

The answer was: You will know as you live it.
That is not to say your questions are not important. Or that you shouldn’t ask them. Or that God doesn’t care. Or that they aren’t good questions.
But it does point us to something really important:  Advent is an invitation to live in the mystery of God breaking into the world once again. It looks backward at the first Christmas and forward to the future at the same time. It tells us again that God didn’t forget His people … and still hasn’t forgotten. It asks us to wait (active waiting, not passively accepting whatever happens). It asks us to believe. It asks us to look and listen for God in places no one expects Him to be.
It draws us to salvation – the fullness of all the blessings of God now – not just mere forgiveness of sins, but full, total, free life in Christ … which we can only know as we live it.
And that requires faith. Faith asks the questions … and waits for the answers.  So …
Who am I … Who are you?  Children of God.
Is it too late? I think the Christmas story reminds us every single year that it’s not too late. Not for you. Not for anyone. Not for any situation you’re facing.
Is the world messed up? Of course it is. It always has been. That’s why we need a Savior. That’s why we need salvation – in its fullest sense of living now in the full blessing of God. That’s why we need faith.
Why do you need a Savior today?
What does Salvation mean to you?



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