This is a great idea for those Women’s Ministries groups with women who do not use social media or email. Major Shelley McClintock has put together a packet with all of the weekly programs they would be doing at Omaha Citadel for the month of April. This packet will be “snail-mailed” to her ladies so that they can still participate at home. This also reminds them they have not been forgotten and they are still valued members of their church community! I have attached the file HERE.

You can do this with any of the materials from the Women’s Ministries Resource Guides, Kindred Collective, World Day of Prayer, Bible Studies, of any of our previous promotional or archived materials. You can access all of these via our Resources tab or click HERE.

How are you connecting with your women and
your community while social distancing?

Keep sharing your ideas! Send them to Heather Hanton via Facebook Messenger or email: [email protected].


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