Meet Lindette Wright! Lindette is from the Salvation Army Quincy Kroc where she co-leads the Women’s Ministries group. She also attends Sports Camp at Camp Mihaska every summer as one of the leaders and teachers. Here is Lindette’s testimony:
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“When I first joined Women’s Ministries I needed more spiritual influences in my life. The streets were not a good home for me and I was involved in a lot of things that were holding me back. I was broken when I came to The Salvation Army Kroc and first met Major Cheryl Miller. But once I found God, it wanted to go to church.
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It is going on 10 years since I left my former life behind. Women’s Ministries gave me that connection with God through the devotions and Bible study. It has given me a desire for more of God and for growing my spiritual life. The friendships I have made here will last a lifetime. I love the ladies and their families are like our families. They are God’s children and I love them very much.”
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