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Today, March 8, 2021 is International Women’s Day! We celebrate women’s achievements, past and present…the women who have inspired us in big ways but also those who work and live simply to make this world a better place. Here is a short list:
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Catherine Booth
Marie Curie
Amelia Earhart
Susan B. Anthony
Evangeline Booth
Harriet Tubman
Eleanor Roosevelt
Eliza Shirley
Rosa Parks
Anne Frank
Helen Keller
Mabel Broome
Sally Ride
Shirley Swoopes
Malala Yousafzai
This is just a snapshot of women who have left their mark on history, blazing the trail for us today. There are many more (we now have the first woman vice president in history)! You may want to add other names to your own list to celebrate today!
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This day we also raise awareness for equality by raising a hand to challenge and interrupt gender bias.

We have made great strides towards gender equity in the last 100 years, but women are still underrepresented in public life and decision-making. According to the UN Secretary General’s recent report, at the current rate of progress, gender equality among heads of government will take another 130 years.

What can we do now? We can take action using our speech, leadership, social media, and conduct to challenge the norms, remodel habits, change perceptions, and even change laws. We can rise up and speak out, interrupting stereotypes, stigmas, and violence. We can inspire and empower others to join us in our fight against this specific, gender-based discrimination.



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