one-minute devo
“Faithfulness is a high calling. And you and I will have our reward if we serve well. So hang in there while doing good deeds and serving others. We’re in this Christian life for the long haul. Yes, it’s nice to be recognized for what we do, but that’s not always going to happen. Our focus is on serving as representatives of Christ, sharing His love and concern and provision, not personal recognition.
As women we’re in unique positions to reflect the softer, gentler side of faith in the Lord. We can show how kind and generous hearts, tempered by wisdom and strength, come from God. As we serve, we reflect His unconditional love. What an awesome privilege!
When all is said and done, one of our rewards may be praise, but the greater reward is being faithful to follow our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Lord, my ego likes it when people praise me for something I’ve done. Remind me always to give You credit. My gifts and the abilities to love  and help others come directly from You. Amen.

One -Minute Inspirations for Women by Elizabeth George



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