International Day of the Girl

October 11, 2022

The Salvation Army International Social Justice Commission will be celebrating the United Nations International Day of the Girl on October 9, 2022 featuring the voices of young Salvationist girls from around the world. Through this event, girls will be provided a platform to showcase their talents, using their voice, expressions, and creativity celebrating 10 years of girls’ activism.


In support of this day, the ISJC has provided resources for you to use in your corps. They are also sponsoring an event on OCTOBER 9TH at 8:00 am EDT on their YouTube channel!


Ocotber 9, 2022 @ 8:00 pm EDT

Learn more

Click the link below to read more from the
Salvation Army International Social Justice Commission.

The International Day of the Girl 2022 focuses on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 5: Gender Equality. Click the link to read more.


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